amoeba was asked by the films directors Tim Grabham and Neil cantwell to re-interpret their acclaimed documentary KanZe0n. A rarely seen view of Japanese culture revealed through
ancient rituals and extraordinary musical spectacle.

Given complete access to the film footage and audio field recordings, amoeba set about re-structuring the films audio and visual narrative through
a series of re-graded, re-composited montages, ritualistic loops and hypnogogic visual edits, with the aim of being performed as a live cinema
experience or as part of an audio visual installation. Adding to the documentary and directors vision and ethos of [ /See /World /Sound ]
by exploring the construction of the films themes in a modular live cinema performance, or as an organic projection mapped AV installation.

Since 2012 re-imagined and re-constructed live, by amoeba as A.AV inviting the audience to immerse themselves in this evolving
unconventional and trans-formative journey through film, music and ritual.

{KanZe0n_konx0mpax selected stills from A.AV performances and installations of {KanZe0n konxompax from Moscow, Ukraine and UK.


/An audio visual restructure, from a series of 72 ritualistic compositions created from the documentary Kanze0n.

/Performed live

/16:9, 1, 2 or 3 screen live cinema performance.
/Projection mapped on outdooor and indoor site specific screen setups, sculptures, buildings and organic environmental screen structures.





{KanZe0n_konx0mpax 2.0 Live Performance A single screen performance at the Live Cinema Foundation, London 12.3.2013