/A.P.L.E. arrange.process.loop.edit

_Since inception as an experimental process in creating visual music content for performances and installations in 2005, the concept of A.P.L.E //arrange.process.loop.edit
has evolved into a motion graphic DVD release and a fully reactive modular AV performance and creative visual music installation.

_A.P.L.E. has evolved throughout the UK, Russia and Europe in various formats since 2008 including:

_A.P.L.E. Live outdoor AV multi-projection, multi screen and video mapping performances in Ukraine and Germany.

_A series of interactive AV workshops showcasing the creative process as it relates to digital audio visual production and performance. Presented at media and arts festivals in London,
St Petersburgh, and Vienna.

_A weeks AV installation in 2009 as a live workshop and performance along with other digital AV artists as part of
Professor Fredrick Dahns' camp.de, Media Lab, at Stuttgart University.

_Various design festival, film festival, live cinema showcases and digital media events and performances throughout Europe and Russia.

_A.P.L.E. animations have been released on the cover DVD's of : Digit Magazine, Creative Arts, Create Digital Motion and Digital Artists magazines in the UK, Europe and Australia

_ Restrukture your own A.P.L.E. visual music animation with vimeo and the A.AV channel with 7 HD/AV Animationsto download, restrukture and upload..